IMG_0340Our goal at Saint Mary’s is to let every parishioner and their families know the love and care of God in difficult times. We hope and pray that all will feel welcome bringing their hearts desires to our clergy and community. Saint Mary’s believes in the power of Prayer. We have a long tradition of maintaining a community prayer list to gather all our intentions together.

Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or
spirit; give them courage and hope in their troubles, and
bring them the joy of your salvation.

We commend to your mercy all who have died, that your will
for them may be fulfilled; and we pray that we may share
with all your saints in your eternal kingdom.

Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayers

Please click the link below if you would like to submit your prayer requests to our community prayer list.

Online Prayer Request Form

Saint Mary’s believes churches should be places of healing. The purpose of the Pastoral Care Team is to let every member of St. Mary’s know the love and care of God in difficult or challenging times. Through the church, the body of Christ, we come to understand the meaning of health as the harmony of body, mind, and spirit we find in a relationship with God and with each other. Through our pastoral care team, we reaffirm the church’s role in ministering to the whole person. We become God’s instruments of healing.

The pastoral care team reaches out to share the love of God in Christ through visits, phone calls, emails, and get-well cards to those who are ill, homebound or grieving the loss of loved ones. The team meets monthly to review the list of those in need of support, and to work with the clergy to ensure that the ministry of healing is extended to all those in need. If you or a loved one are admitted to the hospital, please contact Saint Mary’s to let us know if you would like a visit.

Pastoral Care Contact: Pastor Russ Norris