Hospitality at Saint Mary’s

Hospitality is a responsibility of the entire congregation at Saint Mary’s. It takes many forms including greeters who meet worshipers as they enter the church, those who volunteer to make and provide food for coffee hours and ongoing activities, parishioners who form committees and hold special events such as Christmas events, Daffodil Teas, and other parish-wide activities throughout the year, and those who make desserts and coordinate funeral receptions.

Ongoing activities generally include after worship gatherings such as coffee hours, lemonade-on-the-lawn, ice cream socials, a once per month reception after the 5 pm Saturday Taize service, and newcomer receptions. Sunday movies are shown by the “Movie Theology” group with popcorn, desserts or soup made by volunteers.

Saint Mary’s volunteers provide and serve meals once a month to the Miracle Kitchen at the Salvation Army and serve meals once a month at the Faith Family Kitchen, and interfaith Coalition Food Program. We also serve desserts at our Annual Veterans Drive-through each year.

Those who love to cook or serve food will find a place here at Saint Mary’s with our diverse opportunities to provide hospitality to our parish and beyond.

For information on funeral receptions contact the Parish Office at (508) 362-3977 or
Contact: Beth Hearn or Bev Parke