When going through a difficult time, it can be very comforting to have someone pray with and anoint us with oil. When we receive healing prayers, we are reminded that God is with us in the midst of our troubles. Whether or not it feels that our prayers are being answered, God is always with us and at work to redeem whatever we face.

At each weekend Eucharist, our Healing Ministers are available to pray with you during communion. After you have received communion, to the right of the main altar is the Lady Chapel, where you are welcomed to stand or kneel to receive healing prayers. The Healing Minister will ask you what you would like to pray for, and you may be as specific or general as feels comfortable to you. All information they hear is strictly confidential. After learning of your prayer request – for yourself, someone you love, our community, or the world – the Healing Minister will lay his or her hands on your head, pray with you, and anoint your forehead. Please speak to a member of our clergy team if you have any questions.